Mary Undoer of Knots

Christ came to bring JOY;

Joy to children, joy to parents,

Joy to families and friends,

Joy to the sick and elderly,

Joy to all humanity.

In a true sense, JOY is the keynote message of Christianity,

And the recurring motif of the Gospels.

Go, therefore, and become Messengers of Joy!

~ Pope John Paul II

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Spouse of the Holy Spirit

"It was with Mary and in Mary and of Mary that the Holy Spirit produced His Masterpiece ...God Made Man... For this reason the more He finds Mary His dear and inseparable Spouse in a soul,  the more powerful and effective He becomes in producing Jesus Christ in that soul...and that soul in Jesus Christ....  Mary was never led by her own will but always by the Will of God, who made Himself master of her to such an extent that He became her very Spirit....   Our Mother told St. Mechtilde:  'At the words of the Rosary...Hail Mary full of grace...I am aware that the Holy Spirit has showered so many graces upon me that I am able to give these graces in abundance to those who ask for them through me as Mediatrix.'

~ St. Louis de Montfort

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